7-Story Pagoda

In Buddhism culture, “7” is a number of ascent, totality, and enlightenment. The design is to give forms to a 7-story pagoda a latent architectural potential with metallic proportion system. Here I am trying to reach for the equilibrium of the “7” from the Silver ratio and Copper ratio system. The intertwining of these two different metallic proportions to design the pagoda creates a dynamic field. The rhythm and proportion of the floors, stair, openings, in contrast to the blankness of the wall, keep the eyes perpetually shifting, seeking a moment of equilibrium. They are based on the development and modification of the silver ratio and Triangulum of the copper ratio. However, the research of the proportional system does not just prioritize geometrical rationality in these spaces but also seeking the articulation of balance and tension in a building–the use of chiaroscuro. Furthermore, in this building, the placement of all the openings has been carefully calibrated in relation to the dimensions and proportions of each floor. The manner of placing the openings in the wall results in an actual increase of the vertical space between openings, which helps to further emphasize the whole building’s optical effect. When ascending to different floors, people sense views and paths accordingly but the walls carry people on their journey of inside and outside as they try to look at it as a whole. The pagoda is both complex and simple. It is organized by the sense of totality and perceptual expectation, with factors waiting for people to discover.

Poster Linjie Wang

Author: Linjie Wang
Project title: 7-Story Pagoda
Project category: Product for a community
Country: The United States
E-Mail: linjie@vt.edu
Poster (pdf): Open Link

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